Pro Bono
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The Pro Bono Center offers a range of pro bono opportunities for lawyers looking to get involved, 从星期六早上的简短咨询法律诊所(如咨询) & 咨询诊所, 哪个网站为专业人士提供一般信息, advice, 和简短的服务)到全面代理诊所. 学习如何做到 和我们一起做志愿者 and 有所作为 我们低收入区邻居的生活.

Advice & 转介诊所义工

Bryan C. 合伙人,芬尼根,亨德森,法拉博,加勒特 & 讨债人LLP)

Bryan C. Diner 尽管芬尼根的合伙人布莱恩. Diner has previously handled pro bono matters, his first time volunteering at the Pro Bono Center’s Advice & 咨询诊所 是一个启示:“作为第一次参加诊所的人, it was wonderful to not only try but to really feel that we helped so many people with their legal issues and problems, allowing them to leave the clinic feeling that they had a promising path forward and a way out of their dilemmas,” he says.

Bryan encourages more attorneys to get involved in pro bono work and says: “Few things in life nourish the mind and warm the heart and soul as helping people. 我感到骄傲和感激, 和芬尼根的同事们一起, 成为公益中心的一员 & 咨询诊所. 我期待着很快再次参加.”

安德鲁·多伊尔(美国高级澳门赌场官网.S. 律政司)

安德鲁•多伊尔 “作为一名澳门赌场官网,帮助别人很容易. 这真是太了不起了,”安德鲁•多伊尔(安德鲁•多伊尔)表示.S. 律政司.*公益中心最敬业的志愿者之一, 在我们每月的例会上,安迪花了50多个周六会见客户 Advice & 咨询诊所 自2010年以来. 是什么让他一直回来? “我的日常工作是为更大的利益而工作, 所以我想记住一次帮助一个人是什么感觉.”

浏览建议的人士 & 咨询诊所 may meet one-on-one with a volunteer lawyer to discuss any individual civil legal issue governed by D.C. 或者联邦法律. 安迪回答了客户关于债权人的问题, insurance, 业主/租户注册事项, 建设纠纷, 孩子的监护权, 审裁处.

“The best sessions are when you get surprised by a hug or tears of gratitude. I remember one woman who came with questions about the administration of a relative’s estate. 她仍然为亲人的死而悲痛欲绝, 她花了很多时间才到诊所, 情感上和逻辑上. 起初,她很安静. 然后,她突然哭了起来. She was grateful to me for helping her, but she was also so proud of herself for getting there.”

安迪会对另一个D说什么.C. 澳门赌场官网协会成员考虑无偿服务? 一旦你开始了,你就会奇怪为什么花了这么长时间! As lawyers, we get so immersed in our structure that we forget we have the ability to connect with people in the city who need us.”

*Federal government attorneys volunteer only in their individual capacities.

Advocacy & 司法诊所义工

Tracey Ohm

Tracey OhmFor Tracey Ohm,在… 斯廷森伦纳德街澳门赌场官网事务所 D。.C. Bar Pro Bono Center volunteer, the reward of pro bono work isn’t out-of-the-park wins. 这是她作为一个倡导者的简单行为所得到的感激. “The clients are so grateful to have someone standing up for them,” she said. “这既是我喜欢的,也是我前进的动力.” 阅读完整简介.


John D. McGrane (Morgan, Lewis and 负责人LLP)合伙人)

John D. McGrane “In 2013, the Probate Resource Center staff approached Morgan Lewis about supporting one of its weekly walk-in sessions,约翰·D说。. 他是刘易斯摩根澳门赌场官网事务所的合伙人 & 负责人LLP). “[The firm] readily agreed to staff one session a month with 3-4 attorneys, 此后不久, 我参与其中. 我继续帮助员工每年4-5次每周会议.”

是什么让约翰不断回到遗嘱认证资源中心? 他说:“这种经历非常有益。. “前来寻求帮助的人有各种各样的情况和需求. I have worked with people whose parent or sibling has recently passed away, and at this difficult time they are trying to determine how to deal with homes, 银行账户, 以及其他资产, 还有各种各样的债权人,偶尔, 其他亲戚. 在每一种情况下,都确实需要解决这些问题. And, most rewarding is the sincere appreciation from the customers for the help provided by the Probate Resource Center – for making sense out of a confusing process."

Rebecca J. 迈克尔(澳门赌场官网,阿诺德 & 波特LLP)

Rebecca J. Michael “Arnold & 波特澳门赌场官网事务所与 房东租户资源中心Rebecca J. Michael, counsel at the firm and a dedicated volunteer with the Resource Center. “参加完培训课程后,我知道我想参加.”

“The volunteer work at the 房东租户资源中心 helps transform the lives of its customers,” she says. “资源中心的许多客户都面临着严峻的形势, and they really need someone to listen and help them understand and navigate the rules, 规定, 及要求[业主及租客法庭]. I have helped draft documents that have halted a wrongful eviction and imminent homelessness of a tenant; allowed a disabled veteran to stay off the street; and enabled a young, 单亲妈妈把孩子们塞到家里的床上再睡一晚. 我还帮助起草文件,以加快确保工作热, 空调, plumbing, 为D州一些最脆弱的公民提供设备和服务.C.”

Rebecca highly recommends that attorneys get involved in pro bono work: “It is a great way to 有所作为 in someone else’s life on important issues and has tremendous personal, 专业, 以及澳门赌场官网的社会福利, too. It is especially easy and rewarding for attorneys to volunteer at the 房东租户资源中心. 不需要经验, 支持网络是无与伦比的, 时间承诺是固定的, and all your work is completed before you leave at the end of your day there.”

移民法律咨询 & 转介诊所义工

Annette K. 郭(Venable澳门赌场官网事务所助理)

Annette K. Kwok "志愿做无偿澳门赌场官网 移民法律咨询 & 咨询诊所 安妮特? K. Kwok, an associate at Venable LLP and past president of the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of the Greater Washington, D.C. Area, Inc. (APABA-DC).

安妮特已经在APABA-DC诊所做了九年的志愿者. “我自己就是一名移民, 首先也是最重要的, 我觉得自己与这个地区的移民社区关系密切,” she says. “The ability to impart my experience in my interactions with clients is what makes pro bono meaningful. Sometimes, 在一家大澳门赌场官网事务所工作, 你忘了那些迫切需要法律帮助的人是什么感觉. 尤其是有移民问题的客户, are scared right now and skeptical about coming forth and exposing themselves.”

安妮特建议D做什么.C. 澳门赌场官网协会成员考虑无偿服务? “作为澳门赌场官网,我们必须尽最大努力帮助我们的社区. Pro bono work inspires me to be more compassionate and grateful for what I have and motivates me to do more for those who are less fortunate.”

Read 更多关于安妮特的公益经验,请参见2017年11月的 华盛顿澳门赌场官网 magazine.


安南拉赫曼安南拉赫曼 was instilled with the values of philanthropy, altruism, and empathy from a young age. Her father, an oncologist, imparted the importance of volunteer work in her and her siblings. Surrounded by a family of doctors, she learned about giving back and helping those in need. Inspired by her undergraduate career at The George Washington University (GWU), Anam最终选择了法律职业, but paying it forward remains a guiding principle for her work in immigration law. 阅读完整简介.


Tammy Hui

Tammy HuiFor Tammy Hui他是D的一名志愿者.C. Bar Pro Bono Center’s 小型企业法律援助 Program, entrepreneurship is in her blood. 塔米是埃德蒙顿人, 加拿大阿尔伯塔省的首府, where she grew up as the daughter of a general contractor father and the niece of automotive shop owners and restauranteurs. “That’s what attracted me to business owners, that entrepreneurial spirit,” she says. “那些愿意在没有任何保护的情况下实现巨大飞跃的人. 我喜欢尽我所能去帮助那些人.” 阅读完整简介.



布莱德的客人布拉德·盖斯特自愿花时间支持D.C.’s small businesses because for the clients “this is often their life’s dream, something they’ve poured their time and energy into often exclusively for a long time. Receiving pro bono legal advice may be the only opportunity for these individuals to get answers to questions that could not only impact their business, 还有他们的个人风险和责任.” 阅读完整简介.
